About Me
Carolyn Savidge, Artist.
Walking Into The Wind… Performance artist Carolyn Savidge has enjoyed a 40-year freelance career encompassing choreography, dance, filmmaking, teaching, travel and writing. Born in 1952 and brought up on the Somerset farm where she first dreamed of becoming a ballerina, Carolyn has lived, worked, taught and performed in Africa, the Caribbean, India, Sri Lanka and the USA.
Trained at Chelsea College of Physical Education, Carolyn was a lecturer in contemporary dance at Brighton University, Laban Centre at Goldsmiths, University of London and The Place, London. She performed with the Barbados Dance Theatre Company for three years before founding the Carolyn Savidge Dance Company. Her most recent theatre performance was in Tender Age for the Authentic Artist Collective and the Bath Arts Festival 2015.
As a director, teacher and facilitator in school and community settings, Carolyn is an experienced teacher in primary and secondary schools, sixth-form colleges, academies and universities at home and abroad. She taught for three years at the American School in Lusaka, Zambia (where she also ran her own dance studio), and is a visiting dance director for the annual International Festival of Dance, Music, Speech and Drama in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Carolyn’s work as a performance artist includes researching the cathartic transformative effects that come about through the simple act of taking unstructured walks in the landscape. Such walks inspire her work and helped assuage her grief at the loss of her husband to cancer – and led her to create Embrace DNR in his memory.
Claire Balding’s Ramblings: Artists’ Ways interview with Carolyn, first broadcast on BBC Radio 4, is available here.
BBC weblink: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b06j5qd3