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In Kale

​2019. Mixed media. Exhibited at Fringe Arts Bath. Somerset.






For several months I have been developing a fascination for Tuscan Kale or Dinosaur Kale. The darling of the health food world. This vegetable dates back to the 18th Century as an essential Italian heirloom ingredient and one of the illustrious superfood of cancer fighting cruciferous vegetables. It helps prevent a variety of health problems, is rich in vitamins, antioxidants, nutrients, low in calories, curbs cravings and boosts immunity.


‘In-Kale’ installation:


How: After removing the Dinosaur leaves, I reserved the body of the plant, and draped them on various vessels, broken cups, discarded metal pots, the shapes of which may have determined the decomposition and resulting form of the Dino Kale. Metamorphosing tendrils, conjoined which I unravelled tenderly.

When: In this evolution the edges of leaf and stem became the dusty particles of spoilage, the stems, twisting, coiling, reaching sky wards, towards and onwards to their eventual death. The resulting shape alludes to an ephemeral conceptually ‘something other-worldly’ which has no remembrance of anything before, of the plant, or after it.

Now: I present an intriguing installation with gratitude to the growers and our natural world. In the spirit of best ‘eat your greens’ I offer a pop up tasting, with the intention of acknowledging and creating a conversation around ‘In-Kale’.


‘Vanity of vanities says the Preacher, vanity of vanities! All is vanity.’

all is vanity and a striving after wind 



‘Lightly my darling, lightly, even when it comes to dying. Nothing ponderous or portentous or emphatic. No rhetoric, no tremors, no self conscious persona putting on its celebrated mutilation of Christ, or Goethe, or Little Nell.

And of course, no theology, no metaphysics. Just the simple fact of dying and the fact of clear light’.

- A, Huxley.

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